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Data location

Our data are hosted on Huggingface. We provide access to the following collections:

Name Description Purpose variations
data A cleaned collection that only contains test-ready releases Good for LLM benchmark - data
- *-objid
- *-randid
- *-70steps
data-intermediate A full collection with all of our labeling and intermediate files If you are interested in dig deeper into data labeling, or derive further customized version - data-intermediate
- *-objid
- *-randid
- *-70steps

note: if your connection to is slow, you can find us on Huggingface mirror

Folder Structure

Each folder inside data contains the cleaned up files used during LLM inference and results evaluations. Here is the tree structure from game data/night .

├── night.actions.json      # list of mentioned actions
├── night.all2all.json      # all simple paths between any 2 locations
├── night.all_pairs.json    # all connectivity between any 2 locations
├── night.edges.json        # list of all edges
├── night.locations.json    # list of all locations
└── night.walkthrough       # enriched walkthrough exported from Jericho simulator

Each folder inside data-intermediate contains all intermediate files we used during data annotation and generation. Here is the tree structure from game data-intermediate/night .

├── night.all2all.json      # all simple paths between any 2 nodes
├── night.all_pairs.json    # all connectivity between any 2 nodes 
├── night.anno2code.json    # annotation to codename mapping
├── night.code2anno.json    # codename to annotation mapping
├── night.edges.json        # list of all edges
├──         # human map derived from human annotation
├──       # machine map derived from exported action sequences
├──      # reverse map derived from human annotation map
├── night.moves             # list of mentioned actions
├── night.nodes.json        # list of all nodes
├── night.valid_moves.csv   # human annotation
├── night.walkthrough       # enriched walkthrough exported from Jericho simulator
└── night.walkthrough_acts  # action sequences exported from Jericho simulator


70-step vs all-step version

In our paper, we benchmark using the first 70 steps of the walkthrough from each game. We also provide all-step versions of both data and data-intermediate collection.

  • 70-step data[-intermediate]-70steps.tar.zst: contains the first 70 steps of each walkthrough. If the complete walkthrough is shorter than 70 steps, then all steps are used.

  • All-step data[-intermediate].tar.zst: contains all steps of each walkthrough.

Word-only & Word+ID

  • Word-only data[-intermediate].tar.zst: Nodes are annotated by additional descriptive text to distinguish different locations with similar names.

  • Word + Object ID data[-intermediate]-objid.tar.zst: variation of the word-only version, where nodes are labeled using minimaly fixed names with object id from Jericho simulator.

  • Word + Random ID data[-intermediate]-randid.tar.zst: variation of the Jericho ID version, where the Jericho object id replaced with randomly generated integer.

We primarily rely on the word-only version as benchmark, yet providing word+ID version for diverse benchmark settings.

How to use

We use data.tar.zst as an example here.

1. download from Huggingface

by directly download

by git

Make sure you have git-lfs installed

git lfs install
git clone

# or, use hf-mirror if your connection to is slow
# git clone

2. decompress

Because some json files are huge, we use tar.zst to package the data efficiently.

You may get zstd from package manager like apt install zstd or dnf install zstd , or using conda install zstd or mamba install zstd , or by using pre-compiled binary distributed on zstd GitHub page.

silently decompress

tar -I 'zstd -d' -xf data.tar.zst

or, verbosely decompress

zstd -d -c data.tar.zst | tar -xvf -